
Mongolia offers a wealth of unique and fascinating experiences for travelers. Whether you’re interested in cultural immersion, outdoor adventures, or exploring vast landscapes, here are some interesting experiences not to miss when you visit Mongolia: These experiences offer a glimpse into Mongolia’s rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and the nomadic way of life. When planning […]

The duration of your stay in Mongolia to experience all aspects of the country depends on your interests, the specific activities you want to engage in, and whether you’re focusing on specific regions. Mongolia is a vast country with diverse landscapes, nomadic cultures, and unique experiences. Here are some general guidelines based on different types […]

Naadam is Mongolia’s traditional festival, often referred to as the “Three Manly Games” as it includes competitions in wrestling, horse racing, and archery. Attending the Naadam Festival offers a unique and vibrant cultural experience. Here are six must-see elements of the Naadam Festival: Attending the Naadam Festival provides a unique opportunity to witness and immerse […]

iding a Mongolian horse is a unique experience, and these hardy horses have been an integral part of the nomadic Mongolian way of life for centuries. Here’s a guide on how to ride a Mongolian horse: 1. Approach the Horse: 2. Mounting: 3. Riding Position: 4. Basic Commands: 5. Balancing and Movement: 6. Riding Gaits: […]

Mongolia, with its vast landscapes and unique culture, has hidden gems that can offer enriching experiences for travelers aged 60 and above. Here are eight experiences tailored for mature travelers seeking a blend of cultural richness, scenic beauty, and relaxation: Before embarking on any journey, it’s advisable for mature travelers to consult with their healthcare […]

Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, located near Mongolia’s capital city, Ulaanbaatar, is a stunning destination with a diverse range of landscapes and cultural experiences. Here are four compelling reasons why you should consider visiting Gorkhi-Terelj National Park: Visiting Gorkhi-Terelj National Park allows you to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, immersing yourself in Mongolia’s natural […]

Staying with a nomadic family in Mongolia is a unique and immersive experience that allows you to gain insight into the traditional Mongolian way of life. Here’s what you can generally expect when you choose to stay with a nomadic family: Overall, staying with a nomadic family in Mongolia provides a unique opportunity to experience […]

A tailor-made trip, also known as a customized or bespoke trip, is often considered the best way to experience Mongolia for several reasons. Mongolia is a vast and diverse country with a unique culture, stunning landscapes, and nomadic traditions. Here’s why a tailor-made trip is advantageous: In summary, a tailor-made trip to Mongolia offers the […]

Mongolia’s eagle hunting tradition is a captivating cultural practice that dates back for centuries, deeply rooted in the nomadic way of life. At the heart of this tradition is the ancient art of falconry, where Kazakh eagle hunters form an extraordinary bond with golden eagles, the largest and most powerful birds of prey in the […]